Sunday, February 17, 2008

Plan of Attack!

So over the last week, I spent quite a lot of time on the OSHA website. Others might find it very useful as well. Of particular interest are the sections onthe right hand toolbar titled Small Business and Quick Start.

I've decided that you will NEVER be completely in compliance with every little item, primarily because the inspectors all interpret things differently, and they can always find something if they really try. But that doesn't mean we can't have a safe work place, and be in compliance with as much as we know and understand.

My plan of attack is this: to identify the most commonly cited violations, and make sure I'm in compliance with those. This is a little out of date, but the NFIB (a GREAT resource for small business) listed the top 10 violations in 2006 as follows:
  1. No written Hazard Communication Plan (automatic $1500 fine)
  2. No Information and Training on Hazardous Chemicals
  3. Electrical Conductors Not Protected Entering Boxes, Cabines or Fittings
  4. Electrical Covers and Canopies Missing
  5. Tongue Guards Missing or Not Adjusted on Wheel Grinders
  6. Hard Hats Not Worn on Construction Sites
  7. Fall Protection-Unprotected Sides on Surfaces 6 Feet or More in Height on Construction Sites.
  8. No Portable Fire Extinguishers Provided.
  9. Flexible Electrical Cords Used Unsafely
  10. Not Maintaining an OSHA 200 Log.

Other ones that seem to come up all the time include:

  • Scaffolding Issues (not having a full floor, employees not trained in use)
  • Respiratory protection
  • Lockout/Tagout
  • Powered Industrial Trucks
  • Ladders

So I'm tackling these things one at a time. First on the list was Hazard Communication (HazCom). HazCom is consistently among the very top most cited violations, and something that is very relevant to my business: we sell chemicals, basically.

So my next post will go into depth about HazCom and what I'm going to do about it!

Thanks for reading!

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